just a little bit of everything...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

so...its time

OK so....

i thought i wanted to move from livejournal to here

but after looking at how few templates we have here and no galleries and blah blah blah I have decided to swap back over...not that i even think anyone has read this blog...

but it is moving


So what I should be doing vs what I AM doing...

So I got bobby to keep the kids this weekend so I could clean the house...I really don't know why we are so worried about cleaning, its basically clean just needs to be tidyied up...and basically its a good excuse to do it. SO I should be cleaning...

But instead I am sitting on the couch eating reese cups and playing on the computer. At least I was researching my mac cause Bobby is putting it on ebay. SO hey some productiveness right? LOL


but look at these :)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Very possibly the hardest I have EVER laughed in my life....

SO i got a facebook acct today..well ok the other day...and ok I admit it was to look for someone, but anyway not important. My brother has about 140 albums and for those of you who don't know (haha like anyone is reading this) he is big into photography...and photoshop...wasn't until i was but thats another story...

SO i stumble across these pictures...which show the funnier side of photoshop...

Limo Pizza Party...

Awhile back Catherine brought home the oh so loved fundraiser stuff. Really crap, you pay 10 dollars for something that turns out to be an inch tall and breaks fast, OR candy that has 5 pieces in a box. But there was a catch, they told all the kids if they sold 250 dollars worth of stuff they got a pizza party limo ride!!!

Of course my innocent first time 6 year old was all about this. First problem I had is they had to right to pump this up so much to these kids in her class, they are all babies, they are barely 5, some 6 but I think Catherine is the oldest one. They don't understand what it really means to sell 250 dollars...

I explained to her the amount of stuff that was and told her that this time I would do it, that no matter what we would get her that limo ride, but she had to understand after this time, we would sell what we could and wouldn't worry about the big prize anymore. She agreed, I am trying to help her understand money and how much things cost and so forth.

So I ended up spending 45 dollars, her daddy bought 50 something, grampa bought 40, gramma bought 40 and john (uncle) bought like 30 dollars worth. Then we sold very few things to other people and got her enough to be part of the party.

Fast foward today...of course her teacher forgot to send the paper home telling me it was today!! So i missed it but she got to be a part of it. Thank goodness her teacher did send home the permission form awhile back. So my sweet little baby girl got to ride in a limo.

She said only 3 in her room got to go, it was her and Waylen, and crying Danny. She has two dannys in her room, talking danny and crying danny lol. There were many others but from what i understand the three stuck together. It was from 10:30 to 12:30 so a good part of the day :)

She had fun and thank goodness there weren't many parents there so she was cool without me there. She said it was like she was a big girl off on her own with her two friends.

So my baby girl has ridden in a limo!! She was so thrilled...Then i sent her away to her daddy's :( but just cause i gotta get the total house cleaned tomorrow for kristi coming wednesday woo hoo plus i gotta wrap their presents and make sure I am done with theirs.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dance Dance Dance...

Ok so i love that she is involved, just hate getting dressed, going pick her up, finding some remote spot for her to get into her dance attire and dropping her off and then coming right back home!!

But I had a major killer headache last week and she didn't get to go so I know I need to take her today....so here I am fixing to get Connor dressed up and take him into town to take Catherine to dance.

The same town my mother told me I couldn't (yes couldn't) come into town earlier because WE NEED TO SAVE MONEY...now mind you my brother has been playing anywhere he WANTS all week long, me stuck to stay at home all freaking day every day.

Sigh..wonder if she has thought about the fact that she will have to leave early to take catherine once my truck is gone. Oh and she just realized the other night that it MIGHT bother me to have my truck taken away and sold (and me not get the money)...

uggg (i just woke up and i am cranky stupid ddream where it was so weird i can't explain it at all)

SO I just wasted an hour of my life...

So connor found electrical tape and a roll of stickers, both of which fully entertained him for a good hour as he put tiny stickers all over his sleeper and unrolled the complete role of tape. Hey neither cost much and he was having so much fun.

SO what did i do? Search on the internet for andi tuck...grrrrr it aggravates me that I am so curious. I looked on facebook, myspace, reverse phone number but no way am i paying 14.95 for them to tell me its an at&t cell phone, i already know that. The number does come up as pulaski tennessee which doesn't seem to be all that close to chatanooga?? I dunno, maybe she moved. I think my uncle knew that they were dating cause 1. he worked at the same place she did and 2. he kept asking my gramma if things were ok with me and bobby. Which if he was a normal uncle would be alright but he is a jerk who thinks he is better then my family so he doesn't talk to us, so the fact he kept questioning my relationship tells me that he knew, now did he have the balls to tell me? heck to the no...why do people do that?

When my mom was married and was discussing leaving my dad, people told her to get a private investigator, but I mean how expensive are they, plus no one said she NEEDED to she just thought everyone was being funny. Then after kicking him out and later finding out he had been cheating on her with his woman named Kim, numerous people came up to her and told her they had seen them together. Who does that? First why would you not tell the wife, so you don't want to cause drama, hello something is already wrong, and ok so you decide not to tell keep your freaking mouth shut after it all comes out.

Anyway back on track, I didn't seem to find her, I don't know what age she is or if she went to school in tennessee....see this is the same crap i get on my mom about. But somehow I feel drawn to find out about her, I can't help it. I want to find out about the woman who shared a bed with my husband? How crazy is that?? I try asking him things and he just says its none of my business. I want to chew her out, i want to talk to her, i dunno, but he gets all mad if i mention it, and the one time i did text message her she just ran to him and it just turned into a big fight. LOL. I should be allowed to learn what I want to learn. But would it make it worse? So all I know is that her name is really Andrea, but she hates it, goes by Andi, her phone number is blah blah, and she used to be a continuous improvement something or another for Pilgrims pride, and then she quit. The only reason I know she quit is cause he has to go to chatanooga for something and that was his way of reassuring me. Haha like i believed him totally who knows.

Oh and I have a picture....

She isn't drop dead gorgeous but she is prettier then me,and skinnier...but I mean obviously she couldn't keep him...I am going on and on about this and prolly the only person who reads this is my sister and she doesn't even need to know all this info lol. OH i should get her to call from colorado..haha she wouldn't think it was me then. But what would I have her ask? See if she had a myspace i would befriend her to find stuff out. OMG i am sick...ok i am dropping it...right now i really am.

Easter Pics...waaaaay late :)

SO i just finally got bobby to give me a picture of the kids in their Easter outfits. With us being separated its been weird as far as holidays cause even getting along, too much has happened with each of our families so we (well I) still prefer everything is separate. So last easter...which actually we were still fighting bad, he had the kids and I had bought the kids beautiful clothes and he swore he would give me pictures and here it is christmas and I now have them...but none the less look how cute :)

know what sucks?!!

What sucks is having to pay 36 dollars over draft fee for a check that i was less than a dollar from having enough money for...so for like 60 something cents i am paying 36 dollars and the bank is very sorry but theres nothing they can do.

What sucks is even after me buying EVERY christmas present my kids are getting and my siblings, when i ask to borrow 40 dollars to bring my acct to the positive JUST till tomorrow when I take back this stuff to advanced auto i didn't need, my mom then tells me i need to be more careful. HELLO I thought i had the money but apparently i miss subtracted.

What sucks is writing a check for 38 dollars to buy stuff for an oil change, getting the oil changed THEN the next day your brother telling you that he is selling the truck you just put your last 38 dollars in PLUS the 36 overdraft for the 60 something cents that I didn't have in the bank...

OK i am over it and just needed to vent...grrrr...

i know it was my stupidity to not check my subtraction but if i hadn't given her the WHOLE 125 I got for child support last week (and the weeks before that) then I would have had more money in the bank.


ok...im over it totally now


i am :)

going to bed..oh crap forgot to call bobby, now i will wake him up and he will be in a pissy mood and we will fight...hmmmm but then it will be his fault not mine hahaha

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Our Super Cool Trip...

So we went to south east huntsville today to look at the christmas lights. Catherine at age two liked them but what like "eh whatever". Connor on the other hand goes crazy saying "ohhh momma" every time he sees a new house with lights. It was awesome, I love the christmas lights.

Anyway that was our super cool awesome evening :)

I knew this would happen...

SO I knew that because of the dream I would want to fight with him today. But I seriously tried not to. I knew why I was feeling hurt and insecure...i knew it was just a stupid realistic dream, but I couldn't help it. I tried calling him all day, honestly I wanted to tell him about it and hear him reassure me I was the only one in his life blah blah. Its weird cause we are so...I don't know what we are. We are getting along and I mean working on our marriage..but I have said before that I think both of us have settled into the together but not routine and we like where we live and our lives apart and together.

Anyway off topic...so I called like 5 times today, he never answered. This is an ongoing fight of ours because the main reason I won't move back to russellville is because I have always been less important then his job. His son gets put in the hospital, he can't go with me cause he has to work, i am puking my guts out with two small children, he has to go cause he can't miss work, mind you everyone else does miss, and its not that kind of job where he can't miss. He actually is in upper management and computer something or another so he is basically his own boss. I was this wife he kept hidden at home and had this whole separate life at work. And then once we started getting along he wouldn't talk to me in front of this B**** named Whitney. He would wait till he was on a smoking break...

Which have I mentioned that he is smoking again? When I first started dating him and was soooo infatuated with him, he smoked and i worked with him to quit. He had been quit a good 7 years at LEAST no wait about 8 or 9 years. But because I left him when he got into the angry stage he started smoking cause he knew I wouldn't want him to. Sigh which on a side note is prolly the only reason we are getting along cause when he gets frustrated and angry he just smokes and the whole world is better. So I haven't really pushed him to quit, except to remind him it was the stupidest thing he has ever done.

OK off topic again...so he wouldn't talk to me except when away from work, then i was visiting him and someone saw us and called him and asked who was in the car with him and he just said a friend. ANYWAY how did i even get off this....let me reread....haha...OH yes so it is kinda an ongoing argument about him not talking to me except when he is on his lunch or on his way home, which actually is frustrating cause if something is wrong with the kids i can call 100 times and he won't answer.

So today i really just wanted to talk to him and he wouldn't answer so then around 5:30 he calls. I am short and he says he left his phone at home and didn't know my number. Ok first off he didn't know my number?!! wth? I mean what if something goes wrong...what if he doesn't have his cell and is stranded on the side of the road or worse something happens to the kids and he doesn't have his phone...plus it hurt...cause again it just showed how unimportant i am. BUT honestly all this was stupid and not important and i was just hurt cause the the stupid dream. I ended up clamming up and him just giving up and hanging up prolly thinking i was a nut cause he didn't do anything wrong.

Anyone know Andi Tuck from Chattanooga? I really would like to talk to her...grr she has caused me so much pain. I think her name is Andrea Tuck but she doesn't like Andrea so she goes by Andi. I have her phone number...anyone want to call her up for me? haha i am kidding, maybe she will google her own name and it will bring her up here. If she does I Hope she emails me.

Know what I would ask her...seriously I would ask her how in the world she was walking along, tripped and landed mouth open on my husband....well you get the picture but yea i would ask her that. And I would ask her if she knew that there were two small children involved. And if she ever thought of that. Plus honestly just out of curiosity i want to know why she all the sudden dropped him...isn't that weird? I just want to know. I have to know and he just says that she stopped talkign to everyone but that just seems weird?

Anyway I am going to call him in a minute and explain and apologize i think haha.

Sometimes I wish I could NOT dream...

So I am on wellbutrin (and love it) but one of the side effects are crazy dreams. Well depends, sometimes they are so real and about real situations I have to ask if that really happened, totally messes with my mind lol. Then other times it will be like I am watching some kind of movie, totally not part of my dream. The best dreams are what I call "therapy dreams" where I get to watch sitations played out that I am dealing with in real life, or in my dream I get to totally tell off someone that I would love to in real life. Waking feeling very refreshed, even if it didn't really happen. Then the downside are the dreams that leave you feeing weird all day, like once I was trapped in this warehouse with a serial killer and he had about 20 of us and we knew he was going to kill us we were just waiting, we had tried everything to get out. It was so real to me that I seriously thought I was really there. Now that feeling of desperation and thinking I would never see my kids again, I hate that kind and its a feeling I never want to feel.

But last night was a dream that I really wish hadn't happened. Of all the dreams I could take back this would be the one, even above the serial killer one. Another thing about these dreams are that even though I can see them clearly even after i am awake, i have a hard time describing the details to fill in. Anyway, so I was at this...i dunno...i guess apartment building thingie and I kept going to melindas room to talk. And brad billings was there too...which is weird cause he is a guy that i went to school with and i occasionally hide from at griners, not that he would speak to me anyway. Anyway he was just kinda here and there. At times we were back at hazel green high and other times we were at the apartment.

Bobby was there off and on, but when he was things were happy and good...it was nice. But then for some reason we had to go to Chatanooga to get something from Andi. For those of you who don't know, Andi was my husbands girlfriend...a sitation that hurt me worse then I thought was possible. So the fact that she is even in my dream messes me up, this is the first time she has appeared. We go to her house and all is good, he is with me, we are just there to get whatever...she stalls for like forever and then its time for us to go and he chooses to stay...i chew her out and he still stays...leaves me to go back alone...but the feeling of having to walk away knowing he chose to stay with her. Ugggg. So i come back and i go to talk to melinda about it and lol she says i have to wait cause ty is actually on extreme makeover haha.

I said a lot of things to her that I wish I could really say, and in my dream she was a nasty winch, which actually i don't know if i would rather believe she is evil, or some kinda of magical woman my husband couldn't help but fall in love with. I have seen a picture of her, I dont know why, yes I do, i was browsing his computer because...well i didn't trust him, but at that moment i was looking at his pictures of the kids and there she was multiple times. And I knew it was her. Anyway back to dream, he ended up coming back and we got into a huge fight and really it was never resolved.

Soooo today I feel like I am reliving the finding out he has a girlfriend and the hurt is very much fresh again. Which is stupid and makes me soooo mad cause I am past this, stupid dream. But somehow I am also relieved cause I got to chew her out. SO today I have to watch when I am talking to bobby because I know I will pick a fight, and it won't be his fault (well technically it is his fault lol) but you know what I mean.

Now I am going to go make catherines lunch, get her dressed, and go back to sleep. Thank goodness for mom taking her to school....oh how i love my mom :)

OH and officially ONE WEEK till Kristi comes home!!! YAY

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Quite Possibly the COOLEST woman ever!!

Soooo after browsing a friends blog I started to look at the links to the other cool blogs that are on her page. And I came across this lady. I *heart* her and her blog. She is funny and smart and a wonderful mom and writes soooooo nicely, unlike me but thats ok. Plus she gives me hope that there are wonderful men out there...that truely know how to love and treat people. anyway here is her blog:


Totally the coolest woman EVER!!

Sniff Sniff...goodbye Rex...I will miss you

SO my son is allergic to the dog we have had for a week. He was a 18 month old housebroken, leash trained, neutered puggle, which is pug and beagle. Wonderful dog, very loving and he acted like he was in Heaven here. But of course he acted just like Connor so I was now watching two toddlers instead of one lol.

Anyway, I knew almost immediately connor was allergic cause his nose started pouring but i was soooo in denial, i really wanted this dog. He loved me and me most, followed me everywhere, licked me, loved on me, slept with me, he was MY dog for once, all the cats always love someone else besides me. Well the allergy symptoms just kept getting worse and so i knew i had to get rid of him when connors eyes were red and swollen today and his nose was caked with snot (tmi sorry)

So after asking everyone i finally decided to call the ark, which is a no kill shelter here that adopts out the animals for a whoping 150 dollars!! Anyway they of course had a spot because he was housebroken and leash trained and neutered. So I took off with Connor to take him. I was a little relieved I have to admit cause it was getting old taking him outside where he had to sniff every blade of grass to find the perfect one to pee on.

So i take him and this man takes the leash and takes him away, I am cool with this. I go in fill out the paperwork and we go to leave.This it starts to hit me a little but i am still in control and then i see this man walking him and when Rex saw me he darted off to try to come to me, which he couldn't cause he was on a leash. He then whined at me.

I totally lost it and cried the 20 minutes home. And a hard cry too, the kind where your face is all red and it leaves you with a headache...sighBut when I got home i looked in the rear view mirror and saw my happy sleeping sweet little baby boy in the car seat nad I was reminded why I had to give him away. Plus the lady said he would be adopted by the weekend. If I could do it all over again I would still take him there but man was it harder then I htought it would be.

Food Stamps...to do or not to do?

So since I will soon be without a car I thought that I probably should get off my rumpus and go to the food stamp office to get an appt. I have gone back and forth on whether I would go or not but the way I look at it, I legally qualify big time, I don't have to work because I have one child who is not in school still at home, and because honestly it would sure help cause i am sick of sandwiches and i know the kids are too. And thats what it is there for right?

I still feel bad, and of course since we were going out i put connor in a cute outfit because I mean we sit at home all day, so he mostly stays in pjs. He has this gap tee shirt he got for his birthday (yes i said tee shirt it is freaking 77 degrees here) and a pair of gap jeans from LAST winter which the only reason they were gap was because they were the only ones that would fit his skinny bottom. Anyway so jeans last of course and I am sure I paid no more than 7 dollars for those jeans cause gap has awesome sales. And my gramma bought him some nike shoes because it annoyed her that i let him go sock feeted. Hello alabama, never cold, he takes shoes off instantly when i get in the car.

Anyway so yea he looked cute but...well here is what some winch muttered...something about dressed all in gap i don't need no food stamps i should be buying her food. Ok what?? I mean buy her food with what the 7 dollars in my checking? With the 125 I will get the rest of the month that has to go for gas, groceries, and my current car insurance that I won't have after this month. It hurt my feelings more than anything because I was so shy going in there and I mean I was wearing a pair of black scrub pants and a walmart 3 year old grey shirt, and some walmart crocs, so my outfit maybe cost a total of 10 dollars.

Besides what does it matter what any of us are wearing, i haven't bought clothes in forever. I admit i used to be a clothes freak for the kids but literally I bought them 5 outfits each for winter, and with what they could still wear from last year they "might" have 8 or 9 outfits a piece for winter. Which is plenty, but all that was on sale, major sale, and catherines jeans came from value village, which is a local thrift store that I havce to say is wonderful. I got catherine like 10 pair of jeans (for this year and next) for like 49 cents and 1.50, and the MOST was 2 dollars. And these are gap, arizona, levis, and a couple other girlie brands. My kids have play clothes just like everyone elses, but don't judge me because I dress my child semi cute one day so that the attention is on him and not me.

Anyway my appt is the 19th...which is crazy i went into town today to get an appt? That should be the part you do over the phone or email. Anyway they didn't have anymore definate appts so i am on the "waiting" list. So that means i show up at 7:45 with a gaurantee to be seen between 8 and 12. So i will sit with my toddler who can't sit still in a waiting room for what you KNOW will be 4 hours. And you know I will be nervous as heck!!

OH and guess what it is outside now? it said 77 when I came in. 77 Degrees in the midst of winter?!!! Haha for alabama winters...

"I love you...you love me"

SO connor now says I love you. Except it is kinda like "i dooo" but the thing is that I starting singing the barney song, "i love you, you love me" anyway he now sings it with me and it is super cute (mental note get it on video later) and now he will love on you and say "i doo you momma" and you know what he means...sooo sweet!! Oh and we got catherines room done here are some pictures:

Of course I have to still put a bed in there somewhere, which saddens me cause i love all her space she has but come on for real she has to have a bed lol.

Oh and look at this (which i found while browsing through pictures for one of my brother)

sooo tiny!!

Without a car AGAIN!!!

Hmm...where to start. Basically I don't even know, in fact I am not even sure I am going to give this out to anyone. I just really need somewhere to vent and as much as I keep deleting friends on myspace I still don't feel like I can just say what I am feeling totally. To start out, once again I am without a car.

Man maybe I should start at the begining...when I was married to Bobby I had a 05 ford escape and he had a 04 kia spectra. They were both in his name but only because I wasn't working I was going to school and staying home with the kids. I didn't realize at the time that was a bad idea, I mean I have really never had any credit because I went from my father paying for everything cause he didn't want me to work to quitting college to marry bobby and then getting pregnant right away. Anyway none of that matters.

So then when I left Bobby I took the Escape with me, but soon after he ended up totalling the kia. And since he owed 3500 on it and it was older they really didn't give him enough but to cover what he owed and he ended up giving me money to buy christmas. So being totally nice I gave him the Escape to use until he got another one. Well through all the fighting that was to follow when he went from begging me to come home to having a girl attached to his...well you know...he decided he wasn't going to give me back my car. Since I obviously couldn't afford to buy another car nor pay a lawyer to totally take him to court I was stuck fighting with him. I tried everything but nothing worked. He was so mean and horrible.

Anyway, I ended up buying the car from hell from a guy for 400 dollars. Granted any car that runs for 400 dollars is good, but this one had a huge rust HOLE in the side door, the front seat belt wouldn't latch so i had to hook it to the passenger side, and no air. It wasn't long before I realized that it was way too hot for the kids to be in that car so there it sat in the yard. Then Bobby ended up having to go on a trip flying out of Huntsville (where I live) and he knew that I would have access to the Escape so he willing to swap with me (basically he knew he had no choice). So we swapped and I don't know how long I kept it but I ended up going to a kia place here (after getting a great job) and getting me a new kia optima. He was jealous as heck so that added to the satisfaction of getting the new car. (don't worry karma bites me on the butt 20 x's over later).

Then Connor starts getting sick and I have to miss a ton of work, and end up changing jobs but he gets sicker and sicker and sicker and I end up having to stay home with him, but between all that mom gets into some financial probs and ends up filing for chapter 13 bankruptcy. Since I had the kia (which i forgot to say was in her name) and she had this crap van she let the van go and i gave her my brand new car. Leaving me once again without a car. But no way was I going to let her buy some crap car when she has worked her whole life and was so kind to let me move in, I was happy to be giving her the kia (plus happy to get out from under the payment since i was out of work)

My brother had a paid off Land Rover and so I offered to buy it from him for 250 a month and 8000 total, but it turned out it was a horrible car, i couldn't afford the gas and it ran horribly and the ooooga horn got stuck all the time. He had himself a VERY nice 2004 GMC Sierra pick up and ended up not wanting the car payment and said we could swap cars. So woo hooo I had the nice truck and he had his landrover back.

This lasted oh...um less than 2 months..which brings us to the present...So steven decides that He doesn't want the loan anymore (of course i can't get it in my name) and so he comes in today to tell me that he is going to sell the truck (not ask just that he is) and that I will just have to find something else.

I really can't say anything because I guess I should have known that it was all too good to be true but at the same time I want to scream.I left Bobby to have a happier life for the kids, I left because of the stress that was at our house. I moved here to make things better and they were but dammit I can't catch a break. I was going back to school and work come january and now all that is gone. Kinda hard to get there without a car (any job is at least 30 minutes away). The kids got so happy when we moved out, bobby became a better father, he realized what he was missing, and the kids had no stress. Catherine became relaxed and happy and Connor made leaps and bounds in his development. But everytime I start to get up I get knocked back down.

I really don't know whether to cry or scream or throw up. It really was the last thing I needed right now. I am struggling to find money to buy mom and the kids some more christmas presents. And by kids i don't mean my kids but my siblings. I know my brother doesn't deserve shit but I can't stand the thought of him not getting presents bugs me. Actually i currently am getting NOTHING and neither is mom, well she has one small present but thats it. I made sure and bought the kids (as in my kids) presents through the year but i thought i would be fine when it came down to the rest of us. And mom has absolutely no money she actually is trying to scrape up money for the house payment. Me and Bobby are getting along but he is broke too. I just don't know what to do. Everything is crumbling around me and I don't even have a freaking car to get a job for two weeks to get money.

Someone tell me how to get this bad luck black cloud off my shoulders please...I am doing everything I know, selling my ipod video and my wii and my freaking mac laptop..all for steals of a price. Sigh...but what if no one buys them.

Monday, December 10, 2007

My first post...

Ok well I guess I should start off about me? i dunno I always feel funny doing the beginning of something like this. I was blogging on myspace but I would like that to be less personal and something that I can invite people to be a part of be the personal blog of me

I am 28, live in alabama with my mom and two kids. First we have Catherine who is 6 going on 30, very mature and loves Kindergarten. She is into polly pocket and barbies and dolls and princesses but most of all she loves to draw and write and be read to. She is easying going and very pleasable, laid back, no trouble at all.

Secondly we have wild wild Connor. He is 2 going on 2 haha in the midst of his terrible twos, which he might have been the reason they named it that. He is my child who can climb out of his crib, out of his car seat, on the top bunk of the bunk beds, and jumps off the back of the couch. He is my child who if he gets mad at you he will tell you that you are "mean momma" and refers to himself as "nonna" But he is the most loving, snuggly child I have ever seen.

I have a sister who lives in Colorado, which is so cool cause they get snow. I never could move away from home so I admire her to doing so. But if I was honest I would have to say i want her back here with me, not way far away with Julie. But I do get to see her on the 19th of December WOO HOO.

I have a brother that lives here with us, he is...well its hard to describe him...he is just steven...plain and simple steven. He is annoying like all brothers are, but at least he is 21 so really he is not home much. But he is great with my kids and I know I can count on him if i need him (as long as it doesn't involve cutting the grass or taking out the trash, or basically anything that is work)

My mom is an accountant for boeing here in huntsville and she hates it basically. She is way underpaid and way overqualified for the job but that seems to be the norm huh? She is wonderful, I love living here with her, even if i was a millionaire I would still choose to live here. My kids love her and she loves them.

Well I guess thats it for now...s