just a little bit of everything...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

know what sucks?!!

What sucks is having to pay 36 dollars over draft fee for a check that i was less than a dollar from having enough money for...so for like 60 something cents i am paying 36 dollars and the bank is very sorry but theres nothing they can do.

What sucks is even after me buying EVERY christmas present my kids are getting and my siblings, when i ask to borrow 40 dollars to bring my acct to the positive JUST till tomorrow when I take back this stuff to advanced auto i didn't need, my mom then tells me i need to be more careful. HELLO I thought i had the money but apparently i miss subtracted.

What sucks is writing a check for 38 dollars to buy stuff for an oil change, getting the oil changed THEN the next day your brother telling you that he is selling the truck you just put your last 38 dollars in PLUS the 36 overdraft for the 60 something cents that I didn't have in the bank...

OK i am over it and just needed to vent...grrrr...

i know it was my stupidity to not check my subtraction but if i hadn't given her the WHOLE 125 I got for child support last week (and the weeks before that) then I would have had more money in the bank.


ok...im over it totally now


i am :)

going to bed..oh crap forgot to call bobby, now i will wake him up and he will be in a pissy mood and we will fight...hmmmm but then it will be his fault not mine hahaha

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