just a little bit of everything...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sniff Sniff...goodbye Rex...I will miss you

SO my son is allergic to the dog we have had for a week. He was a 18 month old housebroken, leash trained, neutered puggle, which is pug and beagle. Wonderful dog, very loving and he acted like he was in Heaven here. But of course he acted just like Connor so I was now watching two toddlers instead of one lol.

Anyway, I knew almost immediately connor was allergic cause his nose started pouring but i was soooo in denial, i really wanted this dog. He loved me and me most, followed me everywhere, licked me, loved on me, slept with me, he was MY dog for once, all the cats always love someone else besides me. Well the allergy symptoms just kept getting worse and so i knew i had to get rid of him when connors eyes were red and swollen today and his nose was caked with snot (tmi sorry)

So after asking everyone i finally decided to call the ark, which is a no kill shelter here that adopts out the animals for a whoping 150 dollars!! Anyway they of course had a spot because he was housebroken and leash trained and neutered. So I took off with Connor to take him. I was a little relieved I have to admit cause it was getting old taking him outside where he had to sniff every blade of grass to find the perfect one to pee on.

So i take him and this man takes the leash and takes him away, I am cool with this. I go in fill out the paperwork and we go to leave.This it starts to hit me a little but i am still in control and then i see this man walking him and when Rex saw me he darted off to try to come to me, which he couldn't cause he was on a leash. He then whined at me.

I totally lost it and cried the 20 minutes home. And a hard cry too, the kind where your face is all red and it leaves you with a headache...sighBut when I got home i looked in the rear view mirror and saw my happy sleeping sweet little baby boy in the car seat nad I was reminded why I had to give him away. Plus the lady said he would be adopted by the weekend. If I could do it all over again I would still take him there but man was it harder then I htought it would be.

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