just a little bit of everything...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Food Stamps...to do or not to do?

So since I will soon be without a car I thought that I probably should get off my rumpus and go to the food stamp office to get an appt. I have gone back and forth on whether I would go or not but the way I look at it, I legally qualify big time, I don't have to work because I have one child who is not in school still at home, and because honestly it would sure help cause i am sick of sandwiches and i know the kids are too. And thats what it is there for right?

I still feel bad, and of course since we were going out i put connor in a cute outfit because I mean we sit at home all day, so he mostly stays in pjs. He has this gap tee shirt he got for his birthday (yes i said tee shirt it is freaking 77 degrees here) and a pair of gap jeans from LAST winter which the only reason they were gap was because they were the only ones that would fit his skinny bottom. Anyway so jeans last of course and I am sure I paid no more than 7 dollars for those jeans cause gap has awesome sales. And my gramma bought him some nike shoes because it annoyed her that i let him go sock feeted. Hello alabama, never cold, he takes shoes off instantly when i get in the car.

Anyway so yea he looked cute but...well here is what some winch muttered...something about dressed all in gap i don't need no food stamps i should be buying her food. Ok what?? I mean buy her food with what the 7 dollars in my checking? With the 125 I will get the rest of the month that has to go for gas, groceries, and my current car insurance that I won't have after this month. It hurt my feelings more than anything because I was so shy going in there and I mean I was wearing a pair of black scrub pants and a walmart 3 year old grey shirt, and some walmart crocs, so my outfit maybe cost a total of 10 dollars.

Besides what does it matter what any of us are wearing, i haven't bought clothes in forever. I admit i used to be a clothes freak for the kids but literally I bought them 5 outfits each for winter, and with what they could still wear from last year they "might" have 8 or 9 outfits a piece for winter. Which is plenty, but all that was on sale, major sale, and catherines jeans came from value village, which is a local thrift store that I havce to say is wonderful. I got catherine like 10 pair of jeans (for this year and next) for like 49 cents and 1.50, and the MOST was 2 dollars. And these are gap, arizona, levis, and a couple other girlie brands. My kids have play clothes just like everyone elses, but don't judge me because I dress my child semi cute one day so that the attention is on him and not me.

Anyway my appt is the 19th...which is crazy i went into town today to get an appt? That should be the part you do over the phone or email. Anyway they didn't have anymore definate appts so i am on the "waiting" list. So that means i show up at 7:45 with a gaurantee to be seen between 8 and 12. So i will sit with my toddler who can't sit still in a waiting room for what you KNOW will be 4 hours. And you know I will be nervous as heck!!

OH and guess what it is outside now? it said 77 when I came in. 77 Degrees in the midst of winter?!!! Haha for alabama winters...

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