just a little bit of everything...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

SO I just wasted an hour of my life...

So connor found electrical tape and a roll of stickers, both of which fully entertained him for a good hour as he put tiny stickers all over his sleeper and unrolled the complete role of tape. Hey neither cost much and he was having so much fun.

SO what did i do? Search on the internet for andi tuck...grrrrr it aggravates me that I am so curious. I looked on facebook, myspace, reverse phone number but no way am i paying 14.95 for them to tell me its an at&t cell phone, i already know that. The number does come up as pulaski tennessee which doesn't seem to be all that close to chatanooga?? I dunno, maybe she moved. I think my uncle knew that they were dating cause 1. he worked at the same place she did and 2. he kept asking my gramma if things were ok with me and bobby. Which if he was a normal uncle would be alright but he is a jerk who thinks he is better then my family so he doesn't talk to us, so the fact he kept questioning my relationship tells me that he knew, now did he have the balls to tell me? heck to the no...why do people do that?

When my mom was married and was discussing leaving my dad, people told her to get a private investigator, but I mean how expensive are they, plus no one said she NEEDED to she just thought everyone was being funny. Then after kicking him out and later finding out he had been cheating on her with his woman named Kim, numerous people came up to her and told her they had seen them together. Who does that? First why would you not tell the wife, so you don't want to cause drama, hello something is already wrong, and ok so you decide not to tell keep your freaking mouth shut after it all comes out.

Anyway back on track, I didn't seem to find her, I don't know what age she is or if she went to school in tennessee....see this is the same crap i get on my mom about. But somehow I feel drawn to find out about her, I can't help it. I want to find out about the woman who shared a bed with my husband? How crazy is that?? I try asking him things and he just says its none of my business. I want to chew her out, i want to talk to her, i dunno, but he gets all mad if i mention it, and the one time i did text message her she just ran to him and it just turned into a big fight. LOL. I should be allowed to learn what I want to learn. But would it make it worse? So all I know is that her name is really Andrea, but she hates it, goes by Andi, her phone number is blah blah, and she used to be a continuous improvement something or another for Pilgrims pride, and then she quit. The only reason I know she quit is cause he has to go to chatanooga for something and that was his way of reassuring me. Haha like i believed him totally who knows.

Oh and I have a picture....

She isn't drop dead gorgeous but she is prettier then me,and skinnier...but I mean obviously she couldn't keep him...I am going on and on about this and prolly the only person who reads this is my sister and she doesn't even need to know all this info lol. OH i should get her to call from colorado..haha she wouldn't think it was me then. But what would I have her ask? See if she had a myspace i would befriend her to find stuff out. OMG i am sick...ok i am dropping it...right now i really am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, someone is reading this besides your sister! And I'm with you, I would so want to know about the girl. Even if I never talked to her. I'd still want to know.

I'm nosey though. I like to know everything about everyone.